The Mysteries of Paris is a work in progress transmedia animation Project.
Illustrator & co-author with Véronique Puybaret.
Based on the 19th century engravings and drawings by Lavoignat Hyppolite, De Staal, Trimolet, CJ Travies, Nargeat Karl Girardet, Bertall, Lavieille, John Quartley, Edward Fox...
Animation and post-production was made by Alizée Cholat @ Amopix
We are currently seeking funding to carry out the animation pilot...
Co-produced by La Curieuse & Amopix
Estimated launch date: early 2018

Preparatory composition - Rat drawing used with kind permission from Mr Philippe Dumas.

Monsieur Pipelet

Preparatory composition

Section of a 19th century Parisian building

Rodolphe de Gerolstein

Madame Pipelet

Mademoiselle Rigolette